Emergency dental treatment

Emergency dental treatment in Hong Kong

It is not difficult to find general dental treatment in Hong Kong and it is generally available by appointment, but it can be difficult to make an appointment for same-day dental emergency services as the appointment time of a typical dental clinic takes more than one or two weeks. There are countless accidents related to teeth: common ones are accidentally crashing or even hitting front teeth during exercise; There are also many wisdom teeth and tooth decay that can suddenly cause toothache and affect life. However, most dental clinics do not provide immediate dental emergency services, resulting in patients missing front teeth for a short period of time, affecting their appearance, and even enduring toothaches for days to a week before they can be treated by a doctor. In the face of this type of emergency dental treatment needs, we at Yanjian Dental not only have general dental treatment that can be booked on weekdays, but also same-day dental emergency services to deal with toothache and other problems. The clinic will arrange a time on the same day to solve urgent problems such as toothache for dental patients with emergency conditions. In addition to relieving the physical pain of dental patients, this also has a positive impact on their psychology.

Emergency services at the clinic

Yanjian Dental’s same-day dental emergency service is mainly to solve the problem of toothache and the appearance of unexpected loss of front teeth, so we will provide emergency patients with tooth extraction, wisdom tooth removal surgery, Du tooth root and incisor implant (implant) restoration. If necessary, medication will also be provided to treat toothache.

Emergency appointment process

Appointments are reserved for same-day emergency patients in the morning and afternoon of each day, so the appointment for acute patients is different from the ordinary treatment appointment, and same-day dental treatment can be booked:

To make an appointment for emergency dental services, you can make an appointment according to the following process:

  1. Follow the link below to WhatsApp to contact our clinic
  2. We will understand the dental treatment you need
  3. Schedule your appointment for the same day
  4. Attend and receive treatment at your appointment time


Appropriate toothache treatment for the cause

As the so-called “toothache is too serious a serious disease”, I believe everyone has experienced this painful feeling. Some people may be afraid to see a dentist and dare not have a toothache treatment, but instead of suffering pain, why not say goodbye to the toothache as soon as possible? There are toothache dentists who can help you. Renjian Dental has qualified and professional dentists, as well as other dental team members, to help you solve your toothache problem. They will first examine the affected area of your tooth in detail to understand the cause of toothache, and then use different toothache treatments, such as tooth extraction, filling, etc., to solve the toothache, and then repair it later, so that you can return to your confidence and smile. In addition, if some toothache treatments such as surgery are performed, local anesthesia is often performed, so there will be no pain during the operation. If you have a toothache, do not hesitate, please contact Yanjian Dental immediately.

Touching nerves becomes a source of toothache

When it comes to the causes of toothache, you must first know the structure of your teeth. The enamel on the surface of the tooth covers the position of the tooth above the gum line, while the dentin protects the part of the tooth below the gum line, including the root part, so that the inside of the tooth is protected. The dentin is an ultra-thin tube with many nerves connected to the pulp, and once the dentin is damaged and the tooth nerve is stimulated, it will produce pain, resulting in gum pain. These nerves can also be touched if the enamel above the tooth is damaged, such as tooth decay that is too deep. Although it can cause pain when eating, even if the teeth are not moving, there is a possibility of toothache at any time due to the exposed internal nerves. In case of invasion by bacteria, it will cause inflammation such as gingivitis, and the consequences are serious. Another condition that causes toothache is that health problems in the mouth, such as mouth sores, can affect the teeth and produce toothache.

What causes toothache?

To understand the above causes of toothache, as long as you know what causes the above conditions to cause toothache, dentists can be well prepared for toothache treatment.

tooth decay

Tooth decay can be said to be the main “fuse” that causes toothache, when the tooth has a cavity can penetrate deep into the pulp nerve, it will naturally produce pain, if ignored, pulpitis will appear in the development, and then spread to the periodontal tissue more “hand and tail length”! Therefore, a toothache dentist is the professional you are most eager to find, who can respond to the situation and deal with tooth extraction, filling, etc.

There is a deviation in the bite

If the teeth are not aligned, too squeezed or too wide between the teeth, there will be uneven pressure in one bite, and over time, some teeth are often pressed and cause gum pain. Such toothache dentists will mostly use orthodontic techniques such as braces, of course, they will do a detailed examination in advance, and dental patients should also tell them some details of the dentist who treats toothache, such as whether they are sensitive to drugs, whether they are sensitive to certain braces materials, etc., so that the dentist is fully prepared to make appropriate treatment for dental patients.

Wisdom teeth cause inflammation

Many people’s wisdom teeth do not necessarily grow vertically upwards, but tend to grow on one side, which can press against neighboring teeth and cause toothache. In another case, wisdom teeth are only half born, resulting in gaps between the gums where bacteria can accumulate, which can easily lead to inflammation. To solve such a toothache, dentists will often remove wisdom teeth as soon as possible for dental patients, once and for all.

Ulcers in the mouth

Some irritating foods, or those who have received cancer chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and those who are stimulated by related drugs, if they do not pay attention to oral hygiene, may cause oral damage, and other immune diseases may also cause oral ulcers, including redness, swelling and pain in the tongue, gums, etc., resulting in toothache. The dentist will take appropriate care according to the situation.

Caused by periodontal disease or gingivitis

Once plaque and calculus are formed, bacteria invade the gum tissue, which will initially cause inflammation of the gums, and if left untreated, periodontal disease may develop, resulting in toothache and tooth swelling.

There is hyperplasia of the gums

Because if the gums become thick and cover most of the teeth, it will lead to the accumulation of plaque and lead to gingivitis, which will cause toothache and tooth pain. This type of toothache treatment is that the dentist will surgically remove too many gums, if it is caused by certain drugs (anti-rejection drugs) or wearing braces, so that the toothache dentist will generally recommend that the drug be suspended and not wearing braces, and clean the teeth more, and the situation will gradually improve without toothache.


If the human salivary gland duct is infected by bacterial invasion, or stress, frequent smoking and drinking too little water, it may cause inflammation of the salivary glands, which will also make people gum pain, so drink more water every day, quit smoking, etc., with prevention, it is better than toothache treatment!

chair, dentist, dental

frequently asked questions

01. How does the Emergency Service work?

Seats are reserved every day for same-day emergency appointments. If you need emergency treatment, please WhatsApp us to make an appointment. We will arrange for you to deal with your toothache as soon as possible.

02. What does acute dentistry include?

Emergency dental services are mainly for the treatment of urgent dental problems, so emergency treatment includes tooth root, tooth extraction, wisdom tooth removal, pus release, pain relief and incisor implants.

03. Are there any different charges for emergency services?

There is no difference between the charges for emergency services and the charges for general dental treatment.

04. If I accidentally hurt my tooth and it is loose, do I need to bring my loose tooth to you for emergency dental treatment?

Yes, as long as your removed teeth are still intact. If possible, the tooth can be soaked in milk. The sooner you receive emergency dental treatment, the better your removed teeth may heal with the flesh. Of course, if the loose tooth has long been broken, the dentist may use methods such as dental implants.

05. How much does Yanjian Dental charge for toothache treatment?

Due to the many causes of toothache, dentists of any type of toothache must first conduct a detailed examination before deciding which treatment to use, and the cost of each method and surgery varies. Please contact us for details.

06. How long has the toothache lasted and I need to see a dentist?

Basically, if the toothache is more than 1 day, you should see a dentist first, and if the toothache is accompanied by fever, headache and earache, see the dentist sooner to find out how it is.

07. If toothache is unbearable at home before seeing a dentist, what can be done to relieve it?

You can rinse your mouth with warm water, if there is food debris between the teeth, you can first floss it, plus ice, you can temporarily relieve pain in response to toothache.